Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Too Soon?

Dearest readers, I am so wildly distraught that I can barely type.

I don't know about you and your better half...but my husband and I are in the midst of a rather intense battle...this issue has divided us for years and always pops up during this transitional season.

I can't take his wrong opinion any longer.

So, we simply need an outside opinion to solve this utterly vital issue.

Drumroll please.........

Is it too soon for stores to be putting up Christmas decorations?!

This sweater is so glorious...I can barely handle it.

I think that it is never too soon for jolliness and who doesn't love an ugly Christmas sweater?! In my opinion, why wait for such an amazing holiday?

Hahaha...who knew turkeys could be so funny?!

My darling husband thinks (falsely, I might add) that Christmas items need to be hidden until after Thanksgiving and refuses to partake in any holiday cheer until then. 

What do you think about this awkward time of year? 

Ready....set...share your thoughts! 

Until next time, you can find me putting up tinsel in hidden nooks of our home, xo.

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